May 6, 2016

Who Is A True Muslim According To Islam

A Muslim IS someone who submits himself to the Great Allah Pak. Literally the word Muslim means 'One who practices Islam'. Islam is not a new religion, but acknowledges the same teachings revealed to mankind through all of Great Allah Pak’s Messengers (Peace Be Upon Them All). A Muslim worships The Great Allah Pak alone without associating any partners with Him.

Any of Allah's creation from anywhere in the Universe who has belief in the One and Only Great Allah Pak, and His Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them All) and whatever message they brought, is described as a Muslim

To become a Muslim, one only needs to believe in and declare the Testimony of Faith: “1 testifies that there is none worthy of worship except Great Allah Pak, and I testify that Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (May The Great AllAh Pak Honor Him and Grant Him Peace & Blessing) is a Messenger of Great Allah Pak.”

Islam is a structured way of life which is followed by more than 2.08 Billion people of the world's population According to this news last updated 0n 2014 ( A Muslim can be of any background, race, ethnicity, colour, or gender. People following the teachings of Islam can be found throughout the world in many countries, ranging from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, China, and Russia. India, Middle East, Germany, Italy. France. IJ.K. Brazil, Canada and the U.S-A.

A Muslim takes his/her guidance from the final Holy Scripture The Qur'an Sharif, and from the teachings of the Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (May The Great AllAh Pak Honor Him and Grant Him Peace & Blessing) - The Hadith Sharif. A Muslim must also believe that what ever Teachings and Books the previous Prophets brought from Great Allah Pak were correct and they were a source of guidance for the people of those eras - i.e. Torah (Tawrat), Psalms (Zabur) and Gospel (Injeel). These sources would have provided guidance an the day to day practices, codes of conduct and rights and responsibilities in life.

A Muslim is one who must also believe in the Articles of Faith, that is, to have belief in:

One God (Great Allah Pak).
Angels Alaihimus Salam of Great Allah Pak.
All Divine Scriptures of Great Allah Pak (c.g. Torah, Psalms, Bible and The Qur'aan)
All Messengers, of Great Allah Pak (e g. Abraham Ibraheem), David (Dawood), Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) Peace Be Upon Them All and Last & Final Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (May The Great AllAh Pak Honor Him and Grant Him Peace & Blessing).)
Life After Death
Destiny (Al Qadr)
The Day of Judgement.

Who Is A True Muslim According To Islam
Who Is A True Muslim According To Islam
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