May 7, 2016

Please Donate at Least $1 Every Friday To Masjid(Mosque)

Dear, Muslim Brothers & Sisters do not ignore about this matter don’t forget to Donate to the House of Great Allah Pak whenever you get chance to spend money must spend for Great Allah Pak because it will be Just like You Saving for Your next World because In Al Qur’an And Hadith Sharif About Donating & Spending for Great Allah Pak said many times look at below. 

Whatsoever you spend of anything (in Great Allah Pak’s cause), He will replace it, and He is the best of Providers” - [Saba Sharif 34:39] 

Whatever you give or spend in the way of Great Allah Pak will be returned to you in manifold increase. Allah, the most Bountiful and the most Loving, commends: Lend unto Great Allah Pak a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your behalf you shall find it with Great Allah Pak, as better and richer in reward. [Al-Muzzammil Shareef 73: 20.] 

Be generous, therefore, for whatever you spend on yourself is only for your temporary sustenance while whatever you spend in the way of Great Allah Pak is an investment in your future for which will provide everlasting sustenance. Seek to invest in others for your own benefit with whatever Allah has endowed you because in Al Quran the Great Allah Pak says: Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify them. [At-Tawba Sharif 9:103.] Furthermore: Those who spend their wealth for increase in self-purification. [Al-Layl Sharif 92:18] 

Hadith Sharif: The Prophet Noor-E-Mujassam Habibullah Huzurpak Salllahu Alaihi Wa Salaam Said: "Whoever builds a mosque with the intention of seeking pleasure of Great Allah Pak's, The Great Allah Pak will build for him a place in Paradise. (Sahih Al-Bukhari Sharif, Hadith Sharif No 441 | Vol.1 | Agreed Upon. 

A dollar here is worthless. A dollar hereafter is priceless The donor will reap the benefits of their contribution for as long the mosque stands, may it stand and benefit its local community until the day of Judgments. – Ameen.
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Item Reviewed: Please Donate at Least $1 Every Friday To Masjid(Mosque) Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Rajib Khaja Official