Apr 27, 2016

Research On Bad Effect of Seeing (Non MAHRAM Woman)

Nowadays, we live in the age of information technology. In our everyday life, we see various kinds of advertisements in TV, internet, mobile. Everywhere, the men are seeing pretty women in the form of various formats. Also, they see many short dressed beautiful women in their daily life when they are out of home. The real scientific matter is that, to look at an attractive female is harmful to men’s health. Looking at a beautiful women increases Stress hormones such as cortisol, GH and nor epinephrine are released dangerously high levels. But in the Al Quran The Great Allah Pak Saying: Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And The Great Allah Pak Subhanahu Wa Ta'la is well acquainted with all that they do. (Surah: Noor Shareef - Verse: 30).

Research On Bad Effect of Eeeing (Non MAHRAM Woman)
Research On Bad Effect of Eeeing (Non MAHRAM Woman)
The Spanish researchers has found, when men meet with a stranger accompanied by a pretty woman .Then the men view the stranger as their competitor. In this regard, the risks are very high. The cortisol levels rise so high that the possibility of strokes and heart attacks are increased. Researchers of the University of Valencia took 84 male students for the sake of study. They asked each one to sit in a room and solve a Sudoku puzzle. Two female and two male were in the room. The two men were sitting together and the two female left the room. When the two female left the room, the volunteer men’s levels of the stress hormone that is cortisol did not increase. But, when a male volunteer was left alone with a female volunteer, the male’s hormone levels rose, as compared by a storm. Sometimes, the levels of hormone increases so high, the researchers measured those people experienced with when one person jumps out of an airplane.

The researchers say that “for most men, the presence of an attractive woman may induce the perception that there is an opportunity for courtship.” The researchers also described, “This study showed that male cortisol levels increased after exposure to a five-minute, short social contact with a young attractive woman. It provides evidence that interpersonal interaction can influence the secretion of cortisol,” Irvin Wolkoff ‘Toronto-based psychiatrist’ has said “Adrenaline can give you high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, etc. Cortisol impairs the immune system. So if you maintain elevated levels of cortisol long enough, you will develop infections, and you might even develop malignancies,” He has also said “It’s not good to be over-stressed for too long. So you need to get out of that room with the beautiful woman pretty quickly,” Dear men readers, I have described that the bad effect of seeing woman (except your own wife) in your daily life, now the solution is in Hijab. We have a common wrong notion that hijab is only for Muslim women. Actually, Islam is not only for Muslims but also for all the people of the world. A Muslim man has to observe the rule of Hijab by lowering their gaze.

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