Holy Jummah Start from Sunset of Thursday to Till Friday Sunset & Every
Muslim Known that Friday is an important day for Muslim Umman(Nation).
Almost all of us will say that we know about the special Friday prayers that
are offered at mid-noon and the importance of these prayers. But is that all or
something else? Is Jummah day only about Friday prayer? Or is there something
more to it? The valuable answer is: There is much more to the Friday than that.
And our discussion here shall In Sha Allah provide insight to all that
In order to have distinct
understanding of the subject, I have tried to make sub-topics and discuss about
these sub-topics in brief one after another, which in turn sum up to give detailed
explanation of the subject. May Allah make understanding of the subject easy
for us!
For Jummah on Friday: According To Al Quran Ul Kareem, The Great
Allah Pak Saying to All Muslim Ummah: O Believers! When the call is proclaimed
to prayer on Friday for Jummah (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the
Remembrance of Great Allah Pak, and leave off all business (and traffic): That
is best for you if you did but know! And
when the Prayer is finished, then may you disperse through the land, and seek
of the Bounty of Great Allah Pak: and celebrate the Praises of Great Allah Pak
often (and without stint): that you may prosper. (Source: Surah Jummah Shareef
– 62/9-10)
Merits of Friday:
It is the best day, it is the day on which creation of mankind and his descend
to earth took place, and it is the day on which the end of mankind and this
world (i.e. ‘the Hour’) shall come.
Abu Hurairah Radiallhu Ta’la Anhu
narrated that The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said, “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday; on it Adam (Alaihis
Salam) was created; and on it, he descended on earth; and on it, his repentance
was accepted; and on it, he died; and on it, the Hour will be established…..”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1046, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol.1).
This Hadith Shareef explains all.
Adam (Alaihis Salam) was the first man to be created and to inhabit the earth,
and both these things took place on a Friday. And the end of mankind will be
when ‘Qayamah’ takes place, and that shall be on a Friday. Doesn’t that make
Friday special?
It is a ‘Holy’ Day.
It is to be understood that the
concept of Friday is not a new thing for the Ummah of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam; rather this day was declared special by The Great Allah Pak
for the nations who existed before. Let us say it as a weekend, although it is
not same as weekend of modern world. Nevertheless, this one day in a week was
appointed by the Great Allah Pak as a Holy day (it seems ‘Holiday ’
has been derived from this) and celebration of Friday (i.e. the Salaat of
Friday) was made compulsory on the races that existed before Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Following Hadith explains this very clearly:
Abu Hurairah Radiallhu Ta’la Anhu: I heard The Great Allah Pak’s
Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam saying: “We are the last but
the foremost on the Day of Resurrection, though the former nations were given
the Scripture before us. And this was their day (Friday) the celebration of
which (i.e. Friday prayer etc.) was made compulsory for them, but they differed
about it. So, The Great Allah Pak gave us the guidance for it (Friday) and all
the other people are behind us in this respect: the Jews’ (holy day is) the
following day (i.e. Saturday) and the Christians’ (is) the day after the
following day (i.e. Sunday).”
(Hadith Shareef No. 876, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol.2).
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The Holy Day of Jummah & Friday Prayers |
Friday is considered as a day of joy and happiness.
It was reported that Ilyas bin
Abi Ramlah Ash-Shami (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) said: I was
present when Muawiyah bin Abi Sufiyan (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him)
asked Zaid bin Arqam (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him): ‘Did you
witness two Eid (i.e. the Eid and the Jummah) being combined on one day during
the time of Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam? He replied, ‘Yes.’ So he said: ‘He (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) prayed the Eid then he was lenient about Friday prayer, for he said:
“Whoever wishes to pray can pray.”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1070, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
We can see that Friday has been
addressed as another ‘Eid’ in the above mentioned narration. This is good
enough to tell us that Friday is a day of joy and happiness.
There is a separate Surah (Chapter) in Qur’an dedicated to Friday.
The importance of Friday can be
understood by the fact that there is a whole chapter dedicated to Friday (Surah
Al-Jummah, Chapter No. 62) in Holy Qur’an. There is a direct instruction for
all believers about Friday prayers:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا
نُودِي لِلصَّلاةِ مِنْ يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ فَاسْعَوْا إِلَى ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ
وَذَرُوا الْبَيْعَ ذَلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
“O you who believe! When the call
is proclaimed for the Salaat on Friday, come to the remembrance of Allah &
leave off business. That is better for you if you did but know!”
(Aayath Shareef No. 9, Surah Al-Jumma Shareef, Chapter No. 62, Holy Al Qur’an
There is a ‘response hour’ on Friday.
There is a response hour on
Friday, during which every supplication from a Muslim is accepted by Great
Allah Pak. There are different narrations which give us different information
about when the ‘response hour’ is on a Friday:
It is during the last hour of Asr.
Following Hadith Shareef tells us
about this: Jabir bin Abdullah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anohu) reported that The Great
Allah Pak’s Messenger (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “Friday has
twelve – meaning hours – to it. There is no Muslim who asks Great Allah Pak for
anything (during it) except that Great Allah Pak gives it to him, so seek it
during the last hour after Asr.”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1048, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
It is when the Imam sits (on the pulpit) until the prayer is finished.
This is authenticated by
following Hadith Shareef:
Abu Burdah bin Abi Musa
Al-Ash’ari (Radiallahu Ta’la Anohu) said: Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la
Anohu) asked me, “Have you heard your father narrating from Great Allah Pak’s
Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam regarding Friday – meaning the
Hour (of response)?” I said, “Yes, I heard him to say: I heard Great Allah Pak’s
Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says: It is between the time
that the Imam sits down until prayer is finished.”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1049, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
It starts when the Iqamah is called and lasts till the prayer is finished.
This is proven by following
Kathir bin Abdullah bin Amr bin
Awf Al-Muzani (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) narrated from his
father that his grandfather said, “I heard Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam saying: On Friday there is a time of the day during
which no person asks Allah for something but He will give him what he asks
for.” It was said, “When is that time?” He said, “When the Iqamah for prayer
(is called), until the prayer ends.”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1138, Chapters of Establishing the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah
Shareef, Vol. 2).
The last two narrations could be
pointing to the same time i.e. when the Imam comes and sits on the pulpit and
Iqamah starts.
We should utilize both the times
which could be the times of ‘response hour’. Maybe the blessed moment of
‘Divine Grace’ when supplications are answered on Friday alternates between
And Allah knows best.
1.6. Whoever offers Friday
prayers regularly, his/her sins between the two Fridays are forgiven by Allah,
but there are certain conditions associated with it.
Imam Abu Dawud reports in his
Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu Ta’la
Anhu) narrated that The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said, “Whoever performed Wudu and performed it well, then attended
the Friday prayer, and listened and was quiet, he will be forgiven (all his
sins) between the two Fridays, and an additional three days as well. And
whoever played with pebbles, then he has committed Lagha.”
(Hadith Shareef No. 1050, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
Some other similar narrations
mention bath (Ghusl) instead of Wudu.
So we see that if we are regular
in offering Friday prayers, our sins between that Friday and the previous one
are forgiven, In Sha Allah. But when we study in detail, we come to know that
forgiving of sins between the two Fridays is subject to compliance with certain
conditions. These conditions are as follows:
The person should cleanse himself (by doing Ghusl or Wudhu), reach the Masjid
earlier than the start of ‘Khutbah’, and listen to ‘Khutbah’ attentively.
This can be clearly understood
from the Hadith quoted above as well as from many other similar AHadith
available on the subject.
The person should perform the prayers properly. He should offer Friday prayers
The person should not go to front rows by separating and jumping over the
shoulders of the persons who arrived earlier than him and are sitting in the
This is proven from following
Narrated Salman Al-Farsi (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu): The Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “Whoever
takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his oil
or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for Salaat-al-Jummah),
and does not separate two persons sitting together (in Masjid), then offers Salaat
as much written for him, and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering
the ‘Khutbah’, his sins in between the present and the last Friday would be
(AHadith Shareef No. 883 & 910, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef,
Vol. 2).
Only minor sins are forgiven.
In context of the forgiveness of
sins discussed above, it should be noted that only minor sins are forgiven;
refer to following Hadith Shareef on the subject:
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah
(Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) that The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “From one Friday to the next is an expiation
for whatever was committed in between, so long as one does not commit any major
(Hadith Shareef No 1086, Chapters of Establishing the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah
Shareef, Vol. 2).
The reward of going to Masjid to offer Friday prayer by walking and then offering
the Friday prayer sincerely is equal to reward of one year of fasting and
praying (at night).
This is proven from following Hadith
Aws bin Aws Ath-Thaqafi said: I
heard the Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, “Whoever takes a bath
on Friday, and bathes completely, and goes early, arriving early, and walks and
does not ride (to the Masjid), and sits close to the Imam and listens to him,
and does not engage in idle talk, for every step he takes he will have the
reward of one year, the reward of a year’s fasting and qiyam (praying at
(Hadith Shareef No 1087, Chapters of Establishing the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah
Shareef, Vol. 2).
In fact, the person gets this
reward for every step he takes to walk to Masjid.
Whoever dies on Friday…?
Whoever (a Muslim) dies on a
Friday (day or night), he is saved from the trials of grave. This is proven
from following Hadith:
Abdullah bin Amr (May Great Allah
Pak Be Please With Him) narrated that Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “No Muslim dies on the day of Friday, nor the
night of Friday, except that Great Allah Pak protects him from the trials of
the grave.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1074, Chapters on Janaiz, Jami’ At-Tirmidhi Shareef, Vol.
This further supports the fact
that Friday enjoys a higher status as compared to other days of the week.
Time of Friday prayers
The recommended and ideal time to
offer Friday prayers is immediately after mid-day (i.e. just after the sun starts
descending after reaching zenith). Refer to following narration:
Narrated Anas bin Malik (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu): The Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to offer Jummah
prayer immediately after mid-day (i.e. just after the sun starts descending
after reaching the zenith).
(Hadith Shareef No 904, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
However, it is not a
hard-and-fast rule that in any case Friday prayers should be offered just after
mid-day, rather it is the recommended time and should be followed. But in
certain circumstances, the prayers may be delayed, as is evident from the
following Hadith Shareef:
Narrated Anas bin Malik (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu): The Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to offer
the prayer earlier if it was very cold, and if it was very hot he used to delay
the prayer.”
(Hadith Shareef No 906, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
Upon whom is Friday prayer obligatory?
Friday prayer is compulsory for all
except a few. A very clear Hadith Shareef on this matter is given below:
It was reported from Tariq bin
Shihab (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) from the Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam that he said: “The Friday prayer in congregation is an obligation on
every single Muslim, except for four: an owned slave, a woman, a child and a
sick person.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1067, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
How should Muslims prepare themselves for Friday?
Now let us see what the rulings
about preparing ourselves for Friday prayers are. It is recommended to prepare oneself well
before leaving to offer Friday prayers. Take bath, wear best possible clothes,
use perfume etc., are some of the recommended acts of preparation of oneself
for offering Friday prayers.
Taking a bath (Ghusl) on Friday
It was narrated from Abdullah bin
Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) that The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, while he was standing on the Minbar, “Whoever
among you comes to Jummah, let him perform Ghusl.”
Source: (Hadith Shareef No 1952 (844), Book of Jummah Prayer,
Sahih Muslim Shareef, Vol. 2; Hadith Shareef No. 1088, Chapters of Establishing
the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah Shareef, Vol. 2).
This Hadith Shareef confirms that
whoever goes for Jummah prayer should take a bath. But then some questions
arise out of this, and it is important that we answer them for the benefit of
our readers:
Is taking bath on Friday compulsory?
It was narrated that Samurah (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu) said: That The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said, “Whoever performs Wudhu on Friday, that is all well and
good; but whoever performs Ghusl, the Ghusl is better.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1381, Book of Jummah, Sunan An-Nasa’i Shareef, Vol. 2).
Same has been reported by Imam
Abu Eisa (May The Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) At-Tirmidhi Shareef in
his Jami’.
Imam Shafi (May The Great Allah
Pak Be Pleased With Him) said on this matter that the order from the Prophet Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for the Ghusl is an order of preference, not an
Is taking bath on Friday recommended only for those go for Friday prayer or
even for those who do not go for Friday prayer?
The first Hadith Shareef quoted
at the start of Section 4.1 tells us that
this recommendation applies to only those who go for Friday prayer. But
following narration tells us that this recommendation applies to all:
Narrated Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu): The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said, “The taking of a bath on Friday is compulsory for every Muslim
who has attained the age of puberty.”
(Hadith Shareef No 879, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
Therefore, even if someone
doesn’t go for Friday prayer (e.g. a woman staying at home), still it is
recommended that He takes a bath on Friday.
Wearing new/clean/good dress on Friday
It is recommended to wear new, nice
and clean dress for Friday prayer: Muhammad bin Yahya bin Habban (May The Great
Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) narrated that The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “It would be good – if you can afford to do so
– that every one of you takes two garments for Friday that would be other than
the garments that he works in.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1078, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
It is recommended to use perfume and Miswak on Friday.
This is authenticated from
following narration: Narrated Abu Sa’id (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu): I testify that
The Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:
“The taking of bath on Friday is compulsory for every Muslim who has attained
the age of puberty; and also cleaning of teeth with Misiwak and using perfume,
if available.”
(Hadith Shareef No 880, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
How are Friday prayers offered?
The Adhan and the Iqamah
It was narrated that Sa’ib bin
Yazid said, “Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
had only one Mu’adhdhin. When he came out he would give the Adhan, and when he
came down (from the pulpit) he would give the Iqamah. Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Ta’la
Anhu) and Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) did likewise. But when Uthman (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu) became (Khalifah), the number of people had increased, (so) he
added a third call from atop a house in the marketplace that was called Zawra’.
When he came out, (the Mu’adhdhin) would call the Adhan, and when he came down
from the pulpit, he would call the Iqamah.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1135, Chapters of Establishing the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah, Shareef Vol. 2).
This discussion should set aside
the doubts about why there are two Adhans at the Friday prayer and then the
third one as Iqamah. The hadith explains to us that during the times of the
Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu)
and Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu), there was one Adhan which was called by
Mu’adhdhin when the Imam came, and when the Imam would finish his Khutbah and
come down from pulpit, then there would be the second call in form of Iqamah.
Uthman (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu)
introduced a third Adhan, which was called first, from outside the Masjid in
the marketplace with a view to attract more and more people. Nowadays, the
Adhan called from inside the Masjid through loudspeaker serves the same
purpose; so, there is no further need of call Adhan from outside.
This should not be made a subject
of disagreement and arguments. Whoever wants to emulate whichever way may do
No. of Fard raka’at in Friday prayer
Two raka’at are offered in
compulsory Friday prayers:
It was narrated from Abdur-Rahman
bin Abi Laila (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) that Umar Ibn Khattab (Radiallahu Ta’la
Anhu) said, “Jummah prayer is two raka’at, and the prayer of Al-Fitr is two
raka’at, and the prayer of Al-Adha is two raka’at, and the prayer when
travelling is two raka’at, complete and not shortened, on the tongue of Prophet
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.”
Source: (Hadith Shareef No 1421,
Book of Jummah, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Vol. 2).
Qablal Jummah/Badal Jummah or four raka’at of sunnah prayer before Jummah
Khutbah & after Fard Salaat.
The issue of four rakaat Salaat
before the Jummah Salaat is well substantiated and proven from the books of
Hadith. Many Muhaditheen such as Ibn Abi Shayba (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased
With Him), Abdur Razzaaq (RahimaHumaallah) etc have set aside chapters in their
Hadith books to discuss this issue.
It is Sunnah to perform four Rakaat’s
of Salaat before the Jummah Salaat. Consider the following AHadith:
1. كان يصلي
قبل الجمعة أربعا وبعدها أربعا “Ali (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wa Sallam used to perform four rakaats Salaat before the Jummah Salaat
and after the Jummah Salaat” (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, Page 13, Idaratul
The chain of narrators in the
above narration is good. (Tarhut Al-Tathreeb, vol 3, Page 36, Ilmiyya)
2. كان رسول
الله يركع قبل الجمعة أربعا وبعدها أربعا “Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu)
reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam used to perform four Rakaat’s
of Salaat before and after the Jummah Salaat” (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, pg 13,
Idaratul Al-Quran)
The above Hadith Shareef with the
chain of narrators that appear in Tabrani is good. (I’laaus Al-Sunan, vol 7, Page
13, Idaratul Al-Quran)
3. عن أبي
عبد الرحمن السلمي قال : كان عبد الله يأمرنا أن نصلي قبل الجمعة أربعا ، وبعدها
أربعا Abu
Abdir Rahman Al-Sulami (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) reports:
“Abdullah (bin Mas’ood (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) used to
command us to perform four Rakaat’s Salaat before Jummah and after the Jummah Salaat”
(Musannaf Abdur Al-Razaaq, vol 3, Page 247, Idaratul Quran)
The chain of narrators in the
above Hadith is authentic. (Athaar Al-Sunan, Page 303, Imdaadiyya)
4. عن عبد
الله قال كان يصلي قبل الجمعة أربعا “Abdullah bin Mas’ood (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased
With Him) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) used to perform
four rakaats before the Jummah Salaat” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, vol 4, Page
114, Al-Majlis al-Ilmi).
5. عن صافية
، قالت : رأيت صفية بنت حيي رضي الله عنها ، صلت أربع ركعات قبل خروج الإمام
للجمعة ، ثم صلت الجمعة مع الإمام ركعتين. Saafiyah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anha) reports: “I saw Safiyyah
Binti Huyay (Radiallahu Ta’la Anha) performing four Rakaat’s of Salaat before
the Imaam came out for jummah, then she performed two Rakaat’s of Jummah Salaat
with the Imaam” (Nasbur Al-Raayah, vol 2, pg 207, Makkiyya).
6. عن
إبراهيم قال كانوا يصلون قبلها أربعا.
“Ibrahim Al-Nakh’ee (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him) reports that the
Sahaba (May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Them All) used to perform four Rakaat’s
of Salaat before the Jummah Salaat” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, vol 4, Page 114,
Al-Majlis al-Ilmi)
7. Abdullah Bin Mas’ood used to
command the people to perform four Rakaat’s of Salaat before the Jummah Salaat
as understood from the above AHadith. This is an indication that Abdullah Bin
Mas’ood used to consider these four Rakaat’s as Sunnat Muakkadah. In fact the
Muhaditheen classify the Athar of Ibn Mas’ood as “Marfoo’ Hukman”. (I’laaus
Al-Sunan, vol 7, pg 12, Idaratul Quran)
And The Great Allah Pak Knows Best.
Hadith’s Main Source Here
Are there any nawafil prayers before or after Friday prayer?
Yes, there are some nawafil
prayers also associated with Friday. But there are different views available on
this matter due to presence of narrations of different nature. Let us see what
different AHadith about nawafil prayers are (before and after Friday prayer).
Nawafil prayers after Friday prayer
Four raka’at after Friday prayer
This is authenticated by
following narration: It was narrated that Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu)
said: Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
“When one of you has prayed Jummah, let him pray four Rakaat’s afterwards.”
(Hadith Shareef No 2036 (881), Book of Jummah Prayer, Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2).
It is said that Abdullah Ibn
Masud (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) preferred offering four Rakaat’s after Friday
Two Raka’at after Friday prayer
This is authenticated by
following AHadith: Yahya bin Yahya said: I heard from Malik, from Nafi, from
Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu), that he described the voluntary
prayer of the Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and he said, “He
did not pray after Jummah until he had left; so he would pray two raka’at in
his house.” Yahya bin Yahya said: I think that I read it – ‘So he would pray’
or, I am sure of it.
(Hadith Shareef No 2040 (882), Book of Jummah Prayer, Sahih Muslim Shareef,
Vol. 2).
And, It was narrated that Ibn
Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) said: I prayed two raka’at with Great Allah Pak’s
Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam before Zuhr and two afterwards,
two raka’at after Maghrib, two raka’at after Isha’ and two raka’at after Jummah
(Friday prayer). As for Maghrib, Isha’ & Jummah, I prayed with the Prophet Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in his house.
Source: (Hadith Shareef No
1698 (729), Book of the Traveller’s prayers, Sahih Muslim Shareef, Vol. 2).
Two + Four raka’at after Friday prayer
It was reported from Ibn Juraij
(May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Him), who said, Ata informed me that he
saw Ibn Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) praying after the Friday prayer; and he
would move slightly from his original praying place – not too far away from it;
he said: to pray two raka’at. He said: Then he would walk further away and pray
four raka’at. I said to Ata: How often did you see Ibn Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la
Anhu) do this? He replied: More than a few times.
(Hadith Shareef No 1133, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef,
Vol. 1).
It is reported that this was the
preferred way of Sayyiduna Ali (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu).
Thus we come to know that there
is no one particular rule about number of raka’at to be offered for nawafil
prayers after Jummah prayer. In presence of all these AHadith (quoted above),
one is free to go with whichever option He likes best.
Nawafil prayers before Friday prayer
It is said that Abdullah Ibn
Masud (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) used to offer four raka’at before Friday prayer.
Therefore, if someone wants to do so, He may do so.
However, there is no specified
number of raka’at (based on any authentic Hadith Shareef) about nawafil prayers
which should be offered before Friday prayer. One is free to offer as many He
wants. Even if someone does not offer any, that too is all right. But, if
someone wants to offer nawafil prayers prior to Friday prayers, He may do so
prior to start of ‘Khutbah’, because once ‘Khutbah’ starts, then only
‘Tahayyat-ul-Masjid’ prayer (two raka’at) is allowed to be offered, and no
other nawafil prayer is permitted (as explained in Section 5.4.2 ahead).
Religious sermon (the ‘Khutbah’)
An essential part of Friday
prayers is the religious sermon (the ‘Khutbah’) which is delivered by the Imam
prior to start of two raka’at of Salaat. It is recommended to proceed early for
Friday prayers, reach Masjid in time, take a place and listen quietly to the
We should listen to ‘Khutbah’ attentively and should not get involved in any
type of talks while the ‘Khutbah’ is going on.
It is disliked for a person to
engage in any talk while ‘Khutbah’ is in progress. Even if someone tells other
person to be quiet, it is considered as a breach. Refer to following Hadith
Shareef: Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) narrated that The Great Allah
Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: “If you say ‘Be
Quiet’ while Imam is delivering ‘Khutbah’, you have committed Al-Laghw.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1112, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
No nawafil prayer is to be offered in Masjid when the ‘Khutbah’ is in progress,
except the two raka’at of ‘Tahayyat-ul-Masjid’.
The significance of ‘Khutbah’ and
listening to it quietly is even more highlighted by the fact that it is not
allowed to offer any prayer (people might pray any Nawafil or any missed prayer
like that of Fajr etc.) while the ‘Khutbah’ is in progress. However, there is
an exception to this. Refer to following Hadith Shareef: It was narrated that
Jabir bin Abdallah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) said: Sulaik Al Ghatfani came on a
Friday when Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was preaching (i.e.
delivering ‘Khutbah’) and he sat down. He said to him, “O Sulaik, get up and
pray 2 raka’at and make them brief.”
Then he said, “If one of you comes on a Friday and the Imam is
preaching, let him pray 2 raka’at (‘Tahayyat-ul-Masjid’) and make them brief.”
(Hadith Shareef No 2024 (875), Book of Jummah Prayer, Sahih Muslim Shareef,
Vol. 2).
Therefore, ‘Tahayyat-ul-Masjid’
is the only prayer which is allowed (in fact, recommended) to be offered even
if Friday ‘Khutbah’ is in progress.
The length of ‘Khutbah’
Another important thing to
understand is the length of ‘Khutbah’ and the prayer. Most of our Imams tend to
deliver a long ‘Khutbah’, whereas when asked about the length of ‘Khutbah’ delivered
by Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, we come
to know that he used to deliver a ‘Khutbah’ which was of moderate length
Reported in this Hadith Shareef: It was narrated that Jabir bin Samurah (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu) said: I used to pray with the Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam and his prayer was of moderate length and his ‘Khutbah’ was of
moderate length.
(Hadith Shareef No 2003 (866), Book of Jummah Prayer, Sahih Muslim Shareef,
Vol. 2).
The Prophet Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam not only himself kept his ‘Khutbah’ moderate, he also commanded
his companions not to make the ‘Khutbah’ lengthy:
Ammar bin Yasir (May Great Allah
Pak Be Pleased With Him) narrated, “Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam commanded us to shorten the ‘Khutbah’.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1106, Book of Salaat, Sunan Abu Dawud Shareef, Vol. 1).
Ammar is reported in Sahih Muslim
Shareef Source: (Hadith Shareef No 2009 (869), Book of Jummah Prayer, Vol. 2)
as saying that he heard Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam saying that lengthening of one’s prayers and shortening of his
‘Khutbah’ is a sign of his understanding (of the religion). Here I understand
that lengthening of prayers is for one’s individual prayers as there are some
other narrations which prove that congregational prayers should be kept brief.
However, we will limit our talk here to ‘Khutbah’ only, where we can say that
the ‘Khutbah’ should be brief/moderate.
‘Khutbah’ is to be delivered while standing.
It was narrated that Simak said:
Jabir bin Samurah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) told me: Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to deliver the ‘Khutbah’ while standing, then
he would sit. Then he would stand up and deliver Khutbah standing. Whoever told
you that he used to deliver the ‘Khutbah’ sitting was lying. By Allah, I prayed
with him more than two thousand times.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1996 (862), Book of Jummah Prayer, Sahih Muslim Shareef,
Vol. 2).
It is a Sunnah that the Imam
delivers the ‘Khutbah’ while standing.
‘Khutbah’ is to be delivered in two parts, with the two parts being separated
by sitting of Imam in between.
The above mentioned Hadith
Shareef tells us that the ‘Khutbah’ is delivered in two parts while standing,
and the Imam takes a pause between the two parts of ‘Khutbah’ and sits during
this pause. There are several other narrations also which tell us about this.
Let me quote one more: Narrated Ibn Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu), “The Prophet Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to deliver the ‘Khutbah’ while standing, and
then he would sit, then stand again, as you do nowadays.”
(Hadith Shareef No 920, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
What is the ruling for the one who misses the ‘Khutbah’ (i.e. arrives late) but
catches the prayer, His prayer?
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah
(Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu), who was attributing it to the Prophet Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, “When Friday comes, at every gate of the Masjid’s
there are angels who write down the people’s name in the order in which they
come; then when the Imam comes out, they roll up the scrolls and listen to the
‘Khutbah’. The one who comes early to the prayer is like the one who sacrifices
a camel, then the one who comes after him is like the one who sacrifices a cow,
then the one who comes after him is like the one who sacrifices a ram.” – Until
he mentioned a chicken and an egg.
(Hadith Shareef No 1387, Book of Jummah, Sunan An-Nasa’i Shareef, Vol. 2).
This narration highlights the
rewards associated with going early to the Masjid for offering Friday prayers.
The earlier you go the more rewards you get. And once the Imam comes and Adhan
is called, the angels close their books and people coming after this won’t get
additional rewards.
But this does not mean that if
someone comes late (i.e. after ‘Khutbah’ has started or if the prayer has
started) then his prayer is not valid. No, that is not correct. Refer to
following Hadith Shareef:
It was narrated that Ibn Umar (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu) said, “Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said: Whoever catches one raka’at of Friday prayer or other than it,
then he has caught the prayer.”
(Hadith Shareef No 1123, Chapters of Establishing the Prayer, Sunan Ibn Majah Shareef,
Vol. 2).
We learn from this narration that
if someone arrives late at the Masjid, and misses the ‘Khutbah’, then he misses
out on the enormous rewards associated with it, but even if he is able to catch
a raka’at of the prayer, he is said to have caught the prayer and his prayer
shall be considered as valid. However, the four Aimmah hold the view that in
such a case if someone catches the congregational Jummah prayer very late (i.e.
after Ruku in second raka’at), then he should offer Zuhr prayer after that.
6. Sin
of missing Friday prayers?
Following Hadith Shareef explains
the sin associated with neglecting and missing Friday prayers (by those upon
whom it is obligatory):
It was narrated from Abdullah bin
Umar (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) and Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) that they
heard Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
on the planks of his Minbar, “People must cease neglecting Jummah (prayers), or
else Great Allah Pak will put a seal over their hearts and they will truly be
among the negligent.”
(Hadith Shareef No 2002 (865), Book of Friday Prayer, Sahih Muslim Shareef,
Vol. 2).
In another narration there is a
mention of missing three consecutive Friday prayers:
Abu Al-Jad – meaning Ad-Damri –
narrated, and he was a companion according to the claim of Muhammad bin Amr
(May Great Allah Pak Be Pleased With Them All), “Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: Whoever neglects the Friday prayer three times
(in a row) without an excuse, then Allah sets a seal upon his heart.”
(Hadith Shareef No 500, Chapters on Al-Jummah, Jami’ At-Tirmidhi Shareef, Vol.
A heart with a seal upon it from
Great Allah Pak is a big loss; it’s a great misfortune and deprivation.
7. Two
exceptional cases when it is allowed to miss Friday prayers
There are two exceptions about
the obligation of offering Friday prayers; both of these exceptions are very
clearly supported by authentic AHadith and there is no element of doubt in
If it is raining
It is permissible for a person
not to go to Masjid for congregational Friday prayers if it is raining. Refer
to following Hadith Shareef:
Narrated Muhammad bin Sirin: On a
rainy day Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) said to his Muadh-dhin, “After
saying ‘Ash-hadu anna Muhammadun Rasool-Allah’, do not say ‘Haiya alas-Salah
(Come for Salaat)’, but say: ‘Sallu fi Baytikum (Offer Salaat in your
houses).” The man did so, but the people
disliked it. Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu Ta’la Anhu) said, “It was done by one who
was much better than I (i.e. Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). No doubt,
the Jummah prayer is compulsory but I dislike putting you to task by bringing
you out walking in mud & slush.”
(Hadith Shareef No 901, Book of Al-Jummah, Sahih Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2).
Therefore, be assured that in
case one does not go out to offer Friday prayer on a rainy day, he has not
committed any sin; rather he has acted in a Sunnah manner.
Do the two exceptions mentioned above exempt a person from Zuhr
prayer too (on that day)?
There is a difference of opinion
among scholars regarding whether not going to Friday prayer (if Eid falls on
Friday or if it is raining outside) exempts us from offering Zuhr prayer also
or not; some say yes, some say no. However, we do not get any clear evidence in
AHadith about not offering Zuhr prayers at homes in such a case. Therefore, my
personal view favours the opinion that one is not exempted from offering Zuhr
prayers and he / she should offer them at his / her place (i.e. homes etc.).
Concluding Remarks
Friday is a special day for us.
We have read above that it is the day on which ‘the Hour’ shall come. And that
should make us think a lot. Whenever Friday comes, we should remember this
It narrated that Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu
Ta’la Anhu) said: Great Allah Pak’s Messenger Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said, “…There is no living creature on earth that does not listen out
from Friday morning until the sun rises fearing the onset of ‘the Hour’, except
the son of Adam…”
(Hadith Shareef No 1431, Book of Jummah, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Vol. 2).
Let us realize the importance of Friday. Let us realize that
it is an obligation of every Muslim to observe the sanctity of Friday & offer
the prayers regularly. Let us use this special day to get our sins forgiven
every week, regularly Let us use this special day to get united.
And Allah knows best. May Allah forgive me if I am wrong and
guide us to the right path…Ameen.
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