Apr 29, 2016

17 Tips To Help You Develop Khushoo In Your Salaat

17 Tips To Help You Develop Khushoo In Your Salah (IN SHA ALLAH). Below The 17 Tips I Going To Share With You Today What Will Make Your Salaat/Salah/Namaz/Prayer Best.
  • 1. Pray slowly and take your time changing your positions. Do not rush through the Salaat.
  • 2. Focus on perfecting your humbleness and your concentration on Great Allah Pak when you pray.
  • 3. Prepare properly for Salaat, take your time making Wudhu perfectly because without the Perfect Wudhu your Salaat won't valid though you done Salaat 100% Correctly.
  • 4. Use a Miswak for every wudu and/or every Salaat.
  • 5. Come early for the Salaat and prepare yourself to concentrate.
  • 6. Listen and pay attention to the Adhaan. Repeat what the Muazzin says and make a supplication after the Adhaan. Dua isn’t refused between the Adhaan and the Iqamah.
  • 7. Go to the masjid on time of Salaat so that you can get a good spot behind the imam.
  • 8. Aim for the full reward of the Salaat.
  • 9. Perfect your Ruku and Sujood. Make sure you are fully still when you do them.
  • 10. Contemplate the Ayat you are reciting in your Salaat. Try to Know what they mean.
  • 11. Pray in congregation.
  • 12. Don’t miss the Nawfl prayers, especially the Sunnate Muakkadah and the witr prayers.
  • 13. Don’t speed up your Salaat and pay attention to what you are doing in the Salaat.
  • 14. Remember that Great Allah Pak responds to your Salaat. As long as you are paying attention to your Salah, Allah is paying attention to it, but when your heart turns away from the Salaat, Great Allah Pak has no need to listen to your Dua.
  • 15. Pray with a Sutra and draw near to it. If someone tries to pass in front of you, put your hand out to stop them so that they don’t cross in front of you to break your concentration.
  • 16. Seek refuge from the Shaytan when you go for your Salaat. If you are distracted by thoughts in your Salaat, then turn to your left side with your head and spit thrice with dry spittle and say “Auzhubillahi Minash Shaytanir Rajeem”.
  • 17. Pray as if it is your last prayer. Say to yourself, “I’ll never be able to pray another prayer after this.”

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